Noahide Information


Shalom! My name is Gary Mixon Ben’ Noah.

Perform Teshuva, Tikkun? Read Torah and other books? I have settled with Rabbi’s Alon Anova, Yosef Mizrachi and Yaron Reuven. Why not visit a local Rabbi? I have Pancreatic cancer. I don’t drive between the pain killers and the chemo. Hashem woke me up by giving me this disease. I have been a noahide ever since.

My big problem right now is the disparity of information on what noahides can do and can’t do. What we can read and not read.

Any and all help will grateful.

Gary Mixon // +1 512 924 0770 //



  1. First, please accept my blessing that you be granted a complete recovery.

    I apologize for not being able to be very helpful but I am not really conversant with the details of the Noahide Laws. Personally, I really think the best option is to be in contact with one of the big Noahide sites and get their expert advice.

    Best wishes from the Team