Noahide and Mazal
There is a concept of Mazel in Judaism. It means fate. Mazel influence so many fields of area in daily life. However, Jewish sages that Jews can overcome Mazel through service of HaShem which go against one’s nature. For example, daughter of Rabbi Akiva avoid her fate that she dies at the wedding.
I heard there is a group of gentiles who keep 7 noahide Laws. Can they also overcome one’s own mazel by performing mitzvah which requires to go over one’s inborn nature? Thank you.
What a fascinating question! As far as I am aware, the concept of changing one’s Mazal through Avodas Hashem is only applicable to Jews. However, I am not really an expert in the Noahide Laws and customs. Subsequently, I would suggest that you try asking someone who is an expert for a definitive answer.
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