Mamzer Egg Donation


Thanks, but you misunderstood, my question was about Mamzer eggs in a non Mamzer gestational mother, conceived normally. It matters as there is view that kids can have 2 moms, if 1 is a Mamzer and 1 is not would it pass from the egg mom if the gestational mom isn’t one



  1. I apologize for not having read your original question carefully enough. Not being sure what the answer is, I turned to a Talmid Chacham and Posek of note for advice. This is his reply:

    Rav Moshe Feinstein was asked about a child born from a married woman who conceived by artificial insemination, using the semen of a man who was not her husband. He maintained that the child is not a mamzer because mamzerus only comes as a result of illicit sexual relations. Since that did not occur here, not a mamzer. He goes on to say that the genetics is not an issue in halacha and is not the determinant in mamzerus. Based on that, your case would not be a mamzer. I believe that other Poskim, especially Chassidic, disagreed with this conclusion.

    Best wishes from the Team