Life’s Mission


Shalom. I’m looking for the answers and the truth. As a child I made a covenant with Almighty. My grandpa also gave me title of a prince with right to the throne before he died. I might have Jewish blood. I have very important mission in the world, yet people mostly ignored and abandoned me. Almighty promised me my life will change and people will start believing me before I reach age of 33 which is November this year. I want to speak to a Rabbi and get some answers. I wasn’t raised in Jewish religion, but in Christianity. Yet I’ve found it false. The only proof of my words is my grandpa’s seal I’m attaching to this message. I hope to reach out to someone soon. I’m trying various websites and also visited synagogue on Friday. I need to know certain things before I can proceed and prosper in life.



  1. I think that the best option for now would be to reach out to a local Rabbi and explain to him that you are not Jewish but that you have a great interest in Judaism. You can ask him if you can come to Services in the Synagogue and if there is anyone in the community who would be able to describe to you what is happening in the Synagogue and give you some kind of overview about Judaism in general.

    Best wishes from the Team