Judaism: The Most Realistic Religion in the World


Hi Rabbi,
I hope you are well.

I’m really struggling and i don’t really know who to turn to. I don’t really struggling with my sexuality or my Judaism alone but together its really hard for me like i cant enjoy one without hating the other, what’s most difficult is feeling like an outsider no matter where i go. I know there’s a huge sentiment of togetherness and community but i feel a really large amount of Jews left behind and stranded.

My main question is asking if you have any advice at all on how to enjoy all parts of my identity to love both my gayness and Judiasm? I’ve reached out to a religous person before they said its hard and complicated (which i already know, i have to live it) and that i need to understand what it means to be a gay jew

But i dont really know how to start understanding that or where i must go to find an understanding of that?

Im really sorry to bother with this and if you have any ideas or advice id really really appreciate i really cant live like this.

Thank you
Regards, (Name Withheld)



  1. While I understand why you are asking your question, I hope that you will understand that I cannot give you advice as to how to enjoy anything that is contrary to the Torah and to Jewish Law.

    What I can suggest is that you try enjoying your Jewishness. If Judaism were only accessible to those who kept every Mitzvah and never sinned, I would estimate that there may not be very many Jews actively involved in keeping the Mitzvos! However, Judaism, as I always tell my Talmidim and Talmidos, is the most realistic religion in the world. Judaism takes into account that we are not perfect, and that we all struggle spiritually – each person in their own way. But that does not mean that we cannot connect ourselves to an authentic Jewish life and to enjoy the spiritual beauty and majesty that Judaism introduces into our lives.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team