IVF and Halacha


Thoughts and actions on IVF may vary depending on which part of Judaism you are part of. I was wondering a Rabbi’s perspective on IVF



  1. Gateways is an Orthodox organization and follows Jewish Law. We cannot answer for any other sects.

    There are two main types of stem cell research that have been done on embryos. One is to take leftover embryos from IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) and use some of those cells for scientific research. Another way is to use embryos from terminated pregnancies.

    Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch was asked this question by Ask the Rabbi and he said that if the embryo is anyway going to be thrown out then there is no difference whether you use them for scientific research or not. In that case there is nothing wrong with using it and in fact will definitely be good, because of all the potential medical advancements that can come from it. However if the embryo is over three months old it is forbidden.

    Note, this answer is not meant to imply that IVF or abortions are halachically okay. These are separate complex halachic subjects. We are just discussing once there has been IVF or a terminated pregnancy, what to do from there.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team