Henry Kissinger’s Quotation


Henry Kissinger :

“Any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.”

Now, Henry Kissinger was a self-hating Jew, a traitor and a war criminal.

But what of his charge?

What have we been doing wrong?



  1. Please allow me to point out that it is neither accurate nor appropriate to describe Henry Kissinger as a traitor and a war criminal.

    In any event, that statement is one hundred percent correct. We have been doing one thing wrong throughout our almost-two-thousand-year exile: we have not been serving Hashem in the way we are supposed to. This is the reason for the persecutions, inquisitions, pogroms, massacres and the endless list of things that have been done to Jewish communities and individuals throughout history.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team