Eating Cauliflower


Am I able to eat raw cauliflower if I soak it in vinegar?

Or is there any way that I can prepare it so that it can be eaten?

Thank you in advance.



  1. Vegetables such as cauliflowers are extremely “high risk” and therefore many people will not eat them at all. This is based on the ruling of Rav Moshe Veiya, the foremost authority on the problem of “tolaim” (bugs in general) in fruits and vegetables. He writes in his book that there is no way to check the flower part sufficiently. He says that today only the stalks of the cauliflower may be eaten after all the flowers (the main part of the vegetable) are discarded, and then soaked in salty water for a few minutes. Afterwards it should be rinsed off and it is preferable to cut open the stalks and check inside. There is no difference between frozen or fresh.

    Apparently since DDT has been discontinued as an insecticide for edible plants (due to its being suspect a carcinogenic substance), the problem of tiny insects infesting fruits and vegetables has increased dramatically.

    As I am sure you are aware there are companies in the US called Bodek and Eden, which supply only bug-free vegetables under Kashrut supervision.

    There is a booklet by Rabbi Falk called Halachic Guide to the Inspection of Fruits and Vegetables for Insects.

    Best wishes from the Team