Hi. I’m curious in learning more about Judaism as a whole.
I grew up Baptist and then went to methodist church with my grandparents.
I’ve always been drawn to the beliefs of what I think Judaism is. I was always under the impression that Judaism is a questioning practice. You’re meant to question why things are the way they are etc.
I’ve always been pulled into it. I’ve also taken a Christianity quiz and it shows I’m closer to Judaism. I’m not sure where to go or to look for, for the answers I’m looking for.
There is a plethora of well-written, thought provoking literature about Judaism that are easily available.
Personally, I would recommend the following books to begin with which, hopefully. you will find both informative and fascinating:
Permission to Believe by L. Keleman
Permission to Receive by L. Keleman
Living Up to the Truth by D. Gottlieb (which is actually downloadable for free from the Ohr Somayach web site –
Best wishes from the Team