Climate Change


Dear Rabbi,

Will God save us from climate change? Did He punish us with climate change? Is it a natural event or is it a test?

Thanks for your thoughts.



  1. Nothing happens in this world without God’s will and input. This means that climate change and global warming are a part of our lives to teach mankind a lesson. I am not God, so I cannot tell you with certainty what the lesson is. But, my feeling is that God is letting us know that we are not the “owners” of this beautiful world that we live in. Rather, it belongs to God and it is our obligation to remember at all times that we are inhabiting God’s world.

    It is not our world to do with as we want. It is not our world to destroy the delicate but exquisite ecosystems due to crass commercialism. It is not our world to cause famine and drought through fickle irresponsibility. And it is not our world to destroy over and over again with hatred and with nuclear bombs.

    So, yes, I feel that God is disturbing our comfort to teach us that the world is not ours. Rather, the world is our “home” that has been given to us as an inheritance to responsibly pass over to the next generation in, hopefully, better shape than how we received it.

    Best wishes from the Team