Brachah: Non-Jewish Child Prodigy


The Talmud in I believe berachot 58a says a beracha recited near a gentile scholar, if there’s a gentile child prodigy who’s wise (and they fit criteria of observing the 7 noahide laws) should a jew recite it on them



  1. My feeling is that one should not recite the Brachah because of the general rule that we don’t make Brochos when there is a doubt. The whole issue of making a Brachah over a wise non-Jew is not so simple.

    There is a booklet that has a lot of information that you may find helpful:

    The following is taken from

    The Mishnah Berurah (224:10) maintains that one may recite the bracha of “she’nasan mei’chochmaso” only when seeing a non-Jewish scholar who is an expert in seven specific sciences. These sciences are: grammar, mathematics, geography, medicine, music, theology (recognition of Hashem) and astrology. (See Sefer Midbar Kadeimos [Chida], ma’areches ches; Sefer Piskei Teshuvos 224:5). There is another opinion which contends that it is not necessary for the non-Jew to be proficient in all seven areas, rather even if he is an expert in one of them, a bracha may be recited when seeing him (Bircas HaBayis 29:5). Nevertheless, due to a different issue, it is almost impossible to recite this bracha anymore. This is because according to some opinions, it is not proper to praise Hashem regarding the intellect of a non-Jew who is a kofer b’ikar (an atheist). They maintain that the bracha of “she’nasan mei’chomaso” may only be recited over a non-Jew who abides by the shevah mitzvos Bnei Noach (Shu”t Teshuva Mei’Ahavah, vol. II, #277; Shu”t Minchas Elazar, vol. V, #7).

    Best wishes from the Team