Bar Mitzvah Jitters


My Bar Mitzvah is coming up soon, and I am very, very nervous about it. Do you have any advice on how to get over this fear? Many thanks.



  1. Firstly, please accept my personal Mazal Tov on your becoming Bar Mitzvah! May you grow to become an integral member of the Jewish Nation and a source of immeasurable joy to your parents.

    It is quite normal to feel nervous and scared before your Bar Mitzvah. I felt the same before mine, and all my friends were also as nervous as can be. What can you do about it? Firstly, I think that just knowing that it is perfectly normal to feel as you do could help you. Secondly, unless there is a very particular reason not to, I suggest telling your father. Hopefully, he will be able to help you get over your fear and help you reach your Bar Mitzvah Shabbat in a calmer state of mind.

    Best wishes from the Team