About Jesus


Dear rabbi

I need to know the truth. Did we kill Jesus? And if so, why?? And ps. where can i read about it? (i can read hebrew)


Thank you



  1. No, “we” did not kill Jesus. According to the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, page 738, it was the Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, at the instigation of the Jews. It was obviously not the Jews themselves since the Sanhedrin or Jewish court did not have the power of capital punishment at the time, see Babylonian Talmud, Avodah Zarah 8b. Also, crucifixion was never a form of punishment used by the Jews, see Tractate Sanhedrin, Chapter 7. In all events, there is no evidence that what the Christians claim about Jesus’ death is true at all.

    Jewish sources do not say much about Jesus. There is one source, Chesronot Hashas Tractate Pesachim, that states that the Sanhedrin executed someone by the name of Yeshu for seducing people to idolatry. However, this took place about 200 years before the supposed life of Jesus.

    So, “we” didn’t do what some say “we” did. And it was people thousands of years of ago who supposedly did something, and not anyone alive today…

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team