Short and simple, every claim stated by the rabbis about creation can not be proven, not scientifically nor Biblically. On the other hand, all claims made by scientists can and are proven both scientifically and Biblically. My question is, when will Torah students accept the reality of the truth and begin defending the Torah instead of defending the rabbis?      

Dear Rabbi, What is so special about the Shema Yisrael prayer that is central to Judaism? Thanks

Can I eat food that a non Jewish person has touched and can I touch meat after touching cheese

Hello, I am a student in a non Jewish college, getting my degree in ultrasound. It is a very intense program and there are many tasks and assignments that I need to complete daily. I already spoke to the director and she wanted to know what I can and can't do on Chol Hamoed. What are the laws/ leeways/ rules... regarding school work then. Am I allowed to go to classes then, can I do online assignments etc.?