In Genesis, when Joseph has the dream about the sheafs of wheat bowing to him; and Jacob asks him “Will your mother and I bow down to you?” Is the mother Jacob refers to Rachel or Leah? If my understanding is correct, Rachel has been dead for several years when this happened. Did Leah become Joseph and Benjamin’s mother when Rachel died?

There is a concept of Mazel in Judaism. It means fate. Mazel influence so many fields of area in daily life. However, Jewish sages that Jews can overcome Mazel through service of HaShem which go against one's nature. For example, daughter of Rabbi Akiva avoid her fate that she dies at the wedding. I heard there is a group of gentiles who keep 7 noahide Laws. Can they also overcome one's own mazel by performing mitzvah which requires to go over one's inborn nature? Thank you.

Hi rabbi. Do all synagogues keep records of marriages that took place from roughly 1965-70.

Supersedes previous - What does halacha say about a Jewish father supporting an out of wedlock child of a gentile mother? Thank you.