Hello Rabbi, During the Amida we are obligated to stay while reciting it. I know there are some exceptions as praying on train/plane/boat. My boss on work allowed me to pray (for which I'm very thankful), but sometimes there is the problem, that we don't find a room where I can pray. And I don't wanna stand alone in a room with others while praying. Am I allowed in this case to stay at my place and recite the Amida seated? Thank You Very Much Kind Regards [Name Withheld]

Shalom, What is the significance of the blowing of the shofar? In all its instances? Before or during battle, or other times? Is there anything spiritually signifacnt? Thank you

Dear Rabbi, I made Challah last week for the first time for Shabbat. How many strands should a Challah braid have and what is the significance of it being braided? Thank you