The Goodness of G-d
I hope my question makes some kind of sense. Regarding the many writings of King David telling of the goodness of G-d, is he only referring to the many wonderful acts and blessings that G-d did for him, or is he talking of simply God’s goodness, just because He is G-d?
What IS the goodness of G-d?
Am I making the goodness of G-d more than it is?
I know that my question(s) may seem juvenile, but, I expressed it the best way I could.
Thank you for any help.
Please allow me to point out that there is nothing “juvenile” about your probing and excellent question!
In Jewish literature, God is defined as being “All Good.” That means that the very essence of God is goodness. When King David refers to God’s Goodness, he is referring to both the personal goodness that King David experienced and also to the all-encompassing goodness of God.
Best wishes from the Team