Prayer for the Impossible


Dear Rabbi,
How can we pray for changing someones heart? Which prayers we should read?
And how to pray for the impossible?
Thank you.



  1. It is certainly possible to pray that someone else has a change of heart. However, in general, our Sages teach that it is more rational and effective to pray to Hashem that He grant you the strength and the ability to overcome the difficulties that others cause you.

    Best wishes from the Team

  2. Thank you for the answer.
    But there are some situations that we can’t just accept and try to be strong, we have to change them to continue. What if Queen Esther accepted what haman and the king planned for the Jews and only trying to be strong?
    Should I fast? Please guide me.

  3. I cannot tell you if you should fast ore not. That requires a spiritual mentor who knows you well and who understands the specific circumstances that you are in. Only such a person can possibly tell you whether it would be advisable to fast or whether there is something else that you can do to help the situation that you find yourself in.

    Best wishes from the Team