Bad Causing Good


Do the bad people can cause good things in good peoples lives without intentioning it?
If a bad person (bad in every aspect and a non-jew) can cause growing and healing in our lives, even they cause us to be good jews and motivates us (without intention) should we forget about them and turn to our depression? Or this is just our lust and illiusion?



  1. There is no doubt that bad can lead to good. And, similarly, there is no question that bad people can do “bad” things to us that motivate us to become better people. They can hurt us – even very badly – and it becomes our own decision whether we allow ourselves to become mired in despair and depression or whether we overcome whatever it is that the person has done to us. We can choose to become stronger and better equipped to face life’s challenges by drawing closer to our Father in Heaven.

    Best wishes from the Team