Observing Shabbat Rules


What are the restrictions regarding modern convivences which have become part of daily life in the past 150 years e.g. telephones, cars, stoves etc.

Who in the Jewish community, invited appliance corporations to decide that stoves should replace personal control over how Sabbat is observed.



  1. The appliance corporations were not invited to decide that stoves should replace personal control over how Shabbat is observed. The recognized and acknowledged experts in Jewish Law investigated the way that kitchen appliances work today and then the largest Kashrut organizations approached the appliance corporations to see if it might be possible to make adjustments to the way that some of their models work so that they be used with a Shabbat Mode program.

    The same method has been used with all the modern technological advancements. The authorities in Jewish Law exhaustively examine the way that a particular thing works and then they present their rulings. If small changes can be made to adapt the item so that it can used on Shabbat that is what they will suggest. The Kashrut authorities will then approach the manufacturer to see if they are amenable to making the necessary changes. If the authorities rule that nothing can be done to make the item “Shabbat-friendly” then the item cannot be used on Shabbat in any form.

    Best wishes from the AskTheRabbi.org Team