Opening Glass Bottles on Shabbat


Although some (I believe minority although minor be wrong ) of the poskim are machmir in Halacha with prohibiting opening regular plastic bottles due to make B’patish, do they all permit opening a glass bottle since the cap isn’t screwed off but popped off?



  1. As you write there is a disagreement among the Poskim as to whether it is permissible or not. The majority opinion is that it is permissible.

    The following explanation is taken from Halachapedia:
    Shemirat Shabbat Kehilchata 9:21. Dor Hamelaktim v. 4 p. 2105 quotes many poskim who permit opening a beer bottle on Shabbat. The Chazon Ish OC 51:11 s.v. vlhasir writes that since the cap wasn’t made as a unit with the bottle opening the bottle doesn’t involve any construction or destruction of the bottle or cap. Even though the cap is no longer usable since it was only made for one time use it is permitted to open it and make it unusable. Also, while it is on the bottle it isn’t a utensil that can be reused; it is merely a seal that is meant to be broken. Agreeing with the Chazon Ish he cites Chut Shani 2:37:3, Orchot Shabbat 12:16, and Mechzeh Eliyahu Piya Pitcha Bchachma 1:7:3-4.

    Best wishes from the Team