Bila’am and Balak


Numbers 22:20 And G-d came to Balaam at night,and said unto him, if the men come to call thee, rise up, and go with them; but yet the word I shall say unto thee that shall thou do.

Numbers 22:21 And Balaam rose up in the morning, saddled his ass and went with the princes of Moab.

Numbers 23:22 And Hashem “anger” was “kindled” because he went: and the “angel” of Hashem stood in the way for an adversary (satan~Shin~Tet~Nun)” against” him.

*Rabbi, why was Hashem “angry” with Baalam when He ordered Balaam to go with the men of Moab?

Also why did G-d set an angel as an “opponent” against Balaam? Even though Balaam consulted G-d, was he seduced in his “heart” by the gifts offered him? Did Balaam inquire of G-d with an “imperfect” heart?



  1. The key to understanding why God became angry is found in the syntax of the verses. In verse twenty God tells Bila’am “Lech Itam” which means accompany them. In verse twenty one it says that Bila’am “Vayelech Im” which means he meant with them, i.e. with the same goal as them. That is why God becomes angry with Bila’am.

    Best wishes from the Team