Genizah: Disposal With Honor


A friend who is cleaning out her deceased parents’ home has found a number of Hebrew religious texts. The books are in very bad condition and she would like to know how to dispose of them in a respectful manner. We would also like to know the background reason for the disposal method.

Thank you for your help with this matter.



  1. I commend you and your friend for seeking to dispose the holy texts that are beyond use in way that is both respectful and reflects your integrity and sensitivity. Since the books contain holy writings and the Name of God, they should be disposed of in a special manner that is not disgraceful.

    In your case, I would suggest one of two options. Ideally, the religious textbooks should be buried in a special place, which will not be disturbed by curious hands. This place is known in general as a geniza since this is the Hebrew word for hiding something in a safe place. The most practical way of doing this would probably be to contact a local Rabbi or Synagogue and to ask if they have a drop-off place for geniza items. Perhaps you have heard of one of the most famous genizas in history called the Cairo Geniza (google it if you like).

    Otherwise, it would be correct to put them into a plastic or paper bag and then place them in the regular garbage container. Putting the books into something else before throwing them away would be considered a sign of respect for the sanctity of the books.

    I hope you find this answer to be clear and helpful, and wish you and your friend much good health, happiness and success.

    Best wishes from the Team